Welcome! Happy to see you.

Chances are if you’ve found this page, you already know me, have met me online, or have somehow stumbled upon this little gem. Whatever your route to get here, congrats.

In your time here, I hope to convince you to become a client of mine on shop.com, with the draw and allure of cashback and savings on things you are already buying from where you are buying them already.

If you’d like to skip ahead to that part, you can click here to become a customer.

We are a global product brokerage, with our own brands and partnerships with others.

On top of shop.com itself, one of our products is webcenters. We offer website design, social media management, and search engine marketing and optimization. Everything from design to analytics. Click here to email me about your digital presence. You can also visit my webcenter storefront directly to set up a 45 minute consultation.

As an unfranchise owner of shop.com, I work with sales consultants and occasionally have positions open for webcenter internships, if you or someone you know are looking for a remote or work from home position, please reach out.

Thank you for your time, thank you for visiting, and please connect with me if I can be a resource for you.

Luke Nielson
Shop Consultant / Unfranchise Owner / Webcenter Coordinator / Partnerships


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